Roadside Assistance in Canberra

Comprehensive Roadside Assistance Services of Towing Pros Canberra

Accident Towing

When you encounter problems while on the road and end up having to stop, certain issues need to be taken care of if you are to continue driving.

Not every issue that you encounter on the road requires that your vehicle be towed back to a town, brought to a repair shop, or stored in a facility.

Sometimes all you need is the right roadside assistance to get you back out there so you can continue driving without any issues.

Our Roadside Assistance Services

Several issues may occur while you are driving and a majority of these can be fixed once we send a professional over to help you.

Locked Outside Of Vehicle

While it may seem like this does not happen often, many people often find themselves locked out of their vehicle with the keys left inside.

If this happens by accident, there is no need to panic because we can have a professional head over to you right away to help unlock your vehicle.

Battery Jumpstart

If your battery is failing or your vehicle has trouble getting started due to a lack of power supply, we can send a professional to help you jumpstart your vehicle.

We recommend making sure your battery is in good condition or is recharged later but if you prefer, our professional can bring and install a brand new battery once they reach you.

Empty Gas Tank

Running out of gas can happen at any time and this often is a result of hoping to find the next gas station after missing the last one, which can end up with you being stranded.

If you have run out of gas and would like to continue riding from where you are, we can send a professional to head to your location and refill a portion of the gas to get you going.

Tyre Replacement

Running on a flat tyre is one of the worst things that you can do if it gets punctured or damaged in any other way and it would be best to have it replaced.

If you find yourself with a flat trye and no replacement in your trunk, you can reach out to us and we will have our professional take care of it for you.

Mechanical Issues

Vehicles are made up of many components and should one fail to function the way it should, others can end up being damaged along the way.

If you hear odd sounds or experience your vehicle acting strangely as you drive, this should be checked out by our professional as they will make an inspection and possibly a repair unless a tow is needed.

Electrical Issues

Vehicles require electricity for you to utilize several of their functions but when there are electrical issues, things are bound to get worse.

Should there be any problems with your vehicle’s electrical system, we can have our professional head over and take a look at it for you.

Other Services Offered

When it comes to roadside assistance, we often offer possible solutions that will get you back on the road but if our professional does not find it safe to continue, a tow is recommended.

We offer other services that involve assisting you when you encounter trouble on the road and it is best to let us know what the issue is so our professional can bring all the needed equipment.

Feel free to give us a call at any time when you experience issues on the road and we will make sure that you are tended to as soon as possible.

What We Can Guarantee

Our team will always do their best to assist you with whatever issue you experience along the road and the same goes with our professionals who value your safety.

You can expect that the moment you call us, our team will already be prepared to have a professional dispatch to get to you right away.

Your convenience matters most to us, which is why we always make sure that you are never left in a situation where it is not safe to drive and will always offer the best solutions.

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Don’t let a vehicle trouble ruin your day. When you need fast, reliable towing and roadside assistance services in Canberra, trust the experts at Canberra Towing Pros to get the job done right. Contact us today to learn more about our services or to request assistance. We’re here to help!

why choose us

Why Choose Canberra Towing Pros for Your Towing Needs?

It is our goal to make sure that you get the most convenient services from us and that our professionals do everything to assist you when it comes to roadside problems or your towing needs.

Trained Professionals

The professionals that we send out to provide our services have gone through extensive training and have years of experience, making them the best to do their job effectively.

Reliable Services

Time is always an important factor when it comes to the services that we provide, which is why we make sure our team responds, and our professionals assist you as soon as possible.

Calculated Routes

Our professionals are equipped with advanced GPS technologies to provide them with the best routes, and they also possess knowledge of Canberra, making them fully equipped to reach you quickly.

24-Hour Availability

We understand that our services may be required at any time, which is why we are available 24/7 to respond to your needs or answer your queries.

Affordable Services

Availing of our services means you get the best prices in the city because we offer fair prices for the services carried out by our professionals for your convenience.

Secure Storage Facilities

If you decide to have your vehicle stored in the meantime, we may provide you with storage space in a secure facility that is monitored by security personnel and a CCTV system.

Got any Towing Service Needs?

Get in Touch with Towing Pros Canberra Today!